Looking to Password Encrypt Google Drive Folders? Here are the Best Methods to Password Lock Folder in Google Drive Using these Best Methods for Free.February 5, 2022March 16, 2022


Once the correct password is entered, the file is unzipped to access the folder content.


I tried all the 3rd party tools and tricks to check if there is any loophole, and I found none. This is the best encryption method to lock your Drive.

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How to Password Protect a Folder Using a 3rd Party Tool?

You can use a free 3rd party tool named Link Lock by Jacob Strieb. The tool is free and ad-free, built for open source use. Link Lock uses AES in GCM mode to securely encrypt passwords and PBKDF2 and salted SHA-256 (100,000 iterations) for secure key derivation. Encryption, decryption, and key derivation are all performed by the SubtleCrypto API.

Enter the Drive Folder Sharing Link.Create and Confirm Password. Click Encrypt.Copy the Encrypted Link.


Now one needs to enter the password to unlock the Folder URL to access the content.


How to Lock others from Accessing the GDrive Folder?

You can protect the Google drive folder from unwanted access by restricting the file. You can use the context menu on Google Drive web to restrict the folder and add email addresses/people only with whom you want to share the file.

Only the person to whom you gave the access will be able to open the drive and access the content. If any other person or a wrong email ID is used to access the file, he/she will be shown a custom warning page stating that they do not have access to the file.

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The following setting can even be applied if you already shared the folder link, the changes will take place instantly.

Look for the file that you want to protect.Right-click on the folder and click on the Get link option.


Here make the link Restricted.


Enter the email address of the people with whom you want to share the file.


You can even set the permission of the file as editor, viewer, commentator.

That’s it with this inbuilt locker feature, you can protect the folder from unauthorized access even if he/she has access to the folder link.

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How to Password Protect a Folder in Drive Using G-Forms?

If you do not trust any tool outside the Google environment to protect the folder, then you can use Google Forms to password lock. This method will lock the folder sharing link. We will use Google Forms to create a password-protected form and add the GDrive sharing link inside the form. Here are the Simple Steps;

Click on the New option in GDrive Desktop.


Now open Google Forms, Blank Form.


Google Forms page will open.Add any Title Name in place of ‘Untitled form.’ I added ‘huannghe.edu.vn Lock‘ for the demo.


Add Password Detail in ‘Untitled Question.’ I added ‘Enter Password to Unlock


.’Change Multiple Choice Option to Short Answer.


Now Turn on the Required Toggle.


Next to Required Toggle, you will see the 3 vertical Dots menu options; click on them.Here select Response validation.


Now more options will appear on the form.You can select Number as a Password, Text as a Password, or Regular expression for Password.I will go with Regular expression; this will allow me to create a complex alphanumeric password.Make sure to use the Contains as the option. This will ensure the file will be unlocked only when the exact password is entered.


Set the password in the Pattern option.Now in custom error text, add a custom error message to display the wrong password. I used ‘Incorrect Password‘ as a custom error message.


Click on the Gear 




Here tap on the Presentation option.


Now under the Confirmation message: enter the Google Drive Sharing Folder URL and click Save.


Click on the Send button.


You can now either share the file using Mail, copy the link or embed the link.


That’s it! When someone opens the form, they need to enter the password.


Entering the correct password will fetch you the GDrive URL.

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